So Sad: US based Nollywood actress, Ify Arinze loses 4
family members [Mother, brother's wife and his two kids] to poisoning
same day!!!
See her post below:
It's so difficult to think, eat, talk or even breath! Even
the strength to pray have also deserted me. I and my brother needs ur
prayers cause am drained of everything! Exactly one week today! I lost
my mother, my brother's wife, and his two kids, in one day and one
place! They went to bed and didn't wake up! They said they were
poisoned! My mother only went for omugwo, she walked into my brother's
house with her two legs, alive and healthy and three weeks later, she
was carried out as a corpse alongside the child she came to do omugwo
for! Now I have to bury 4 members of my family at once! Only God can
heal my brother and I ,am not strong enough to even comfort him at this
time, cause I can barely pick my own pieces! please remember us in ur
prayers! Cause words have failed us this time! We can't ask why us, or
why our family! Cause the Truth is nobody, absolutely no one deserves
this amount of pains! I hope and pray we find our way back to normalcy
after all of this! Cause this is the kind of pain that changes a being
forever! Farewell to my Mother, the womb that carried me! The one that
nurtured me, Farewell to my sister in law,(Amara) Farewell to my niece
(Chisimdi) and Farewell to my nephew who was barely 2 month old(
Chimeremeze)... they said we can't question God! But my heart is full
with questions!!! 😢😢😢 Via Ify Arinze

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