
Thursday, 1 June 2017

Pregnant gay dad flaunts baby bump (Photo)

A gay dad Trystan Reese who lives in Portland, Oregon, U.S., is pregnant and about to give birth after he suffered a heartbreak following a miscarriage at six weeks in 2016.

Biff Chaplow and Trystan Reese are already adoptive parents to two young children ,  have spoken of their delight as they prepare to welcome their first biological child.

The married couple have confirmed Trystan is due to give birth in the summer.

n a post on their website, Trystan said that he felt some people are interested to know why he wanted to become pregnant as a transgender person, but were too afraid to ask.

He said that some people think
 “trans people were born into the wrong bodies, and we really hate our bodies, and that’s why we need to transition.For me, just transitioning normally – taking testosterone so that I have a beard and my voice is deep as its ever gonna get – and appear like a man… that’s enough for me.“I never felt like I needed to change my body.“And I for sure do not hate my body
“I feel like my body is awesome, I feel like it’s a gift to have been born with the body that I did.
“So if you can start to understand that, then it starts to make more sense that it would not seem totally bizarre for me to want to create and carry a baby.”
He continued
“I can feel someone looking at my face and searching for the remnants of womanhood,” Trystan told the podcast.
“They kind of squint their eyes a little bit and I can tell they’re trying to take away my beard, they’re trying to de-transition me in their heads.”

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